Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination By Flavio Junqueira, Benjamin Reed

Apache ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications.
Why you have to learn about Zookeeper? If you are using application as Hbase, Neo4j, Solr, Accumulo and etc. read...
You can read much more on Apache ZooKeeper website. Anyway... you are looking for a book about Apache ZooKeeper. I mention a book titles ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination by Flavio Junqueira, Benjamin Reed.
A book guides readers to use Apache ZooKeeper manages distributed system. In a book has 3 parts - ZooKeeper Concepts and Basics, Programming with ZooKeeper, Administering ZooKeeper.
So, This book is good for readers who are interested in ZooKeepeer and who use applications relate with it. It will help readers to understand more about ZooKeeper Concepts and developer program with ZooKeeper. For me, I like it because it helps me idea to administrate Zookeeper.
A book covers:
  • Learn how ZooKeeper solves common coordination tasks
  • Explore the ZooKeeper API’s Java and C implementations and how they differ
  • Use methods to track and react to ZooKeeper state changes
  • Handle failures of the network, application processes, and ZooKeeper itself
  • Learn about ZooKeeper’s trickier aspects dealing with concurrency, ordering, and configuration
  • Use the Curator high-level interface for connection management
  • Become familiar with ZooKeeper internals and administration tools
A book will help readers enjoy to learn about ZooKeeper, Anyway, it will be good, if readers know about Java.

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